Monday 10 November 2014


It turns out that this was the type of design actually used on scrapheap challenge.
A Lockwood-Hiller engine is a valveless pulsejet and consists of a combustion chamber, intake tube and exhaust pipe. The defining characteristic of this design is the U-bend in the exhaust making the intake and exhaust face the same direction.

It's easy to find the patent filed for the Lockwood engine in archives (17) which describes the design and a blog following a guy who made his own lockwood-hiller and documented the process (16).

If I choose a Lockwood-hiller I can be confident there is enough information from people who have already built their own to help with the construction of my own; the design seems to be well rated among enthusiasts, most common and most documented. However, with this type of design, there is a lack of standardised comprehensive mathematical laws governing their function and although backed by basic theory, many successful designs seem to be generated through empiricism due to the shear number of unpredictable variables involved with their function. (1.10)


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